Samhain approaches

This time of year has always been special to me for as long as I can remember.  As a girl I went to Catholic convent schools and in the Catholic calendar this is the time of All Hallows eve (which became known as halloween) All Saint's day on 1 November and All Soul's day on 2 November.  It has been, for as long as I can remember, a time of remembrance.  A time when I and those around me remember our beloved dead.

We have many reasons for remembering the dead.  Some are family members deeply loved and their physical presence missed. Some are friends, some people who have made deep impacts on our lives even if barely known. There are ancestors we know only the names of, ancestors whose names we have yet to discover. Ancestors of blood, ancestors of adoption, ancestors of spirit.  Not all are human, there are animal companions that we remember too.  We remember those that died young and those that died old, those whose deaths were painful and those whose deaths were gentle.

Tuatha de Bridget comes together with anyone of good heart who wishes to join us at this time at 1pm on Sunday 2nd November at the Old Barn, by Pollok Park.  Please contact us if you intend to join us either via this site or via our facebook group.

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